ARROWアロー スリップオンマフラー INDY RACE スリップオンマフラー
■この商品は下記となります。必ずご確認ください。サイレンサー素材:アルミニウム ダーク
■詳細説明Indy-Race silencers were designed to be used on certainapplications, mainly those requiring an under-seat silencer (makingit difficult to use other Arrow’s available sections), but onceavailable Indy-Race silencers were used also in some 'standard'systems.Design has been inspired by the shape of certain US racetracks(this is the reason for the name of the range) and the sectionmakes it possible to reduce dimensions whilst keeping a goodinternal volume to damp the noise with a very good power output.Internal parts are in stainless steel, TIG/MIG welded, the silencerbody is available in titanium, carbon fiber and aluminum and acarbon endcap is also available as a choice.Indy-Race silencers are available in a street legal version.
■適合車種V100 Mandello V100 Mandello 年式: 23-24 備考: MG