●ALC/クロージャー:12.5% / コルク
●品種:シャルドネ 100%
●マセドン GI の境界線を僅かに離れた場所に位置する Dash Farm(標高 450m・1999 年植樹・花崗岩質)から。 手摘み・選果され部分的に足で破砕し全房のままプレス。オーク樽にて自然醗酵(300L の新樽含む)、上質な澱と共に 12 ヵ月熟成。 さらに 4 ヶ月ステンレスタンクで熟成させ、僅かな亜硫酸と共にボトリング。ノンフィルター、清澄剤不使用。
■In a word: delicious. This 2021 Dash Farms Vineyard Chardonnay is detailed and concentrated, with layers of flavor that settle on the tongue and the inside of the cheeks. Brine, stewed apple, buttered toast, salted nuts, clove bud and wafts of licorice rise out of the glass. In the mouth, the acidity is juicy and paves the way for flavor to flood across the tongue. For all of its rambunctious outlay of personality, it manages to keep a lid on it all (sealed under Diam and wax; I am not muddling metaphors) via the phenolics, which are poised and fine. It's super smart and, like Cooper's other wines, distinct. As an afterthought, the flow of flavor is interesting: it is glassy and soft, but the acidity punctuates it. Like the straight path of light, the acidity spears the fruit and creates space in the wine.
◆飲み頃:2022〜2032年 INFORMATION NameDash Farm Chardonnay Joshua Cooper ブドウ品種シャルドネ 100% 生産者名ジョシュア クーパー 産地オーストラリア/ヴィクトリア州/マセドン・レンジ RegionAustralia/Victoria/Macedon Range 内容量750ml WA94/Issue 1st Dec 2022 WS−/Issue −
※WA : Wine Advocate Rating
※WS : Wine Spectator Rating