Powerbronze / パワーブロンズ フリップスクリーン クリア HONDA VFR1200X CROSSTOURER 12-15 (500MM) | 420-H143-000

Powerbronze / パワーブロンズ フリップスクリーン クリア HONDA VFR1200X CROSSTOURER 12-15 (500MM) | 420-H143-000


22,300 円 (税抜き)

HONDAVFR1200X CROSSTOURER (2012-2015)Article Number : 420-H143-000Flip screens fit the original fairing with no alterations using the original fixings. A Flip/Tall screen will provide better wind deflection than a standard screen re-directing the flow of air up and over the bike cutting down the wind blast that riders can suffer. - Made from 3mm Acrylic - 16 colours available - Flame polished edge - Use original fixing - Simple and easy to fit


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HONDAVFR colours CROSSTOURER original polished